WebStream : Free online radio and IPTV

Here you can see the detail of the channel Free online radio and IPTV :

NameFree online radio and IPTV
Required ISPNot set
Languageen.png English
CountryNot set
StatusWorking : The stream have been approved by a moderator and should work.
Date of submission2020-12-26 22:40:32
CommentsNot set

Play the stream:

You can try this link with the following commands on GNU/Linux:

  • vlc --open "http://streamstat.net"
  • mplayer "http://streamstat.net"


You may add a comment related to this report :

This link have been marked as WebLink, that means it's not a video/audio stream and cannot be played in FreetuxTV.
This is just a link containing a stream that can be played in your browser (usually with flashplayer), so don't be surprised if you don't find this link in FreetuxTV.

If you're courageous you can try to find the real stream URL, by analysing the HTML source code of the targeted URL, but sometimes, this is not possible. Nevertheless, if you find it, please send us the new link.


Relation typeWebStreamLanguageCountryStatusDetails
No results found.


Total 3 result(s).
2022-02-01 08:05:03freddiiStatus changedDead => Working
2022-02-01 08:04:23freddiiStatus changedSubmitted => Dead
2020-12-26 22:40:32AnonymeAdded

Edit requests

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No results found.